15 Ott Beautiful Churches in Salento: 5+5 Suggestions for your Catholic Wedding Rite
Today we want to show you 5 (+5) beautiful churches in Salento, one of the most beautiful and internationally famous regions in Apulia, because we firmly believe that couples must choose not only the perfect restaurant, suppliers and style for their wedding, but also the perfect church for their Catholic rite.
Religious weddings
When couples opt for a religious wedding ceremony, it’s usually because they give great importance to spirituality and want it to be a fundamental part of their union. This has become more true in these last years, when the civil rite and other forms of wedding ceremony have become more common: couples do not feel compelled to choose a wedding in church “because it is the tradition”, and those who do, instead, make this choice with more awareness.
This does not mean that the selection of the right church for the ceremony is less important! The bride and groom MUST have a church that corresponds to their wishes and to their idea of perfect frame for this important sacrament.
So here we are, have a look at our list of the 10 churches in Salento we prefer, hope you’ll find your favourite one among them!
Churches in Lecce
Lecce is the main city of Salento, called “The Florence of the South” or “The Florence of Baroque” thanks to its beauty (The 10 Places in Apulia You Definitely Can’t Miss), so no wonder that you can find here many wonderful, artistic churches too!
Barocco leccese
This is the name of the typical Baroque style that spread in the city of Lecce and in its whole province from the end of the 16th century to part of the 18th century, characterized by the use of the local stone, the pietra leccese. This warm-coloured, soft stone is very easy to chisel and therefore very suitable for this style, so exuberant and rich in decorative elements such as floral motifs, friezes, volutes, coats of arms, human figures and mythological animals.
Many churches and palaces were built in this style, while a lot of Medieval churches were renovated by adding Baroque embellishments to their façades and interiors.
Thanks to the importance of Barocco leccese, the cities that most represents this style, especially Lecce and Gallipoli are awaiting to become UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.
Our five favourite churches in Lecce
1. The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
It was built in the 17th century according to the style of Barocco leccese to replace the previous Romanesque cathedral, in the beautiful Piazza del Duomo.
Its peculiarity is the presence of two façades: the one of the front is rather sober, while the lateral one is much more decorated.
Inside it is very rich and decorated with many important paintings. The beautiful high altar is in marble and gilded bronze.
2. Basilica di Santa Croce
This minor basilica is considered the most beautiful church in Lecce and the highest example of Barocco leccese, thanks to its highly decorated façade, characterized by a magnificent rose window, but also to the elegant, white interiors and the majestic high altar.
3. Church of Santi Niccolò e Cataldo
It was a Medieval church, as proved by the original portal and rose window: all the rest of the front was modified according to the Baroque style in 1716. Also the interiors were completely changed: the original frescoes on the walls and columns were eliminated while those on the vaults were replaced by new paintings.
4. Church of Santa Chiara
Also this church had originally a different style, being built in 1429, but it was modified afterwards, at the end of the 16th century. It is characterized by an octagonal plant and by the presence of many highly decorated chapels and beautiful paintings.
5. Church of Sant’Irene dei Teatini
This church, consecrated in 1639, is dedicated to Saint Irene, who was the patroness saint of the city until 1656. The many altars are decorated with beautiful paintings and by nine busts of saints, each one containing relics of the saint it represents.
We bet you are already enchanted by now, aren’t you? But this is not the end, these are only the five churches we prefer in Lecce, don’t you remember that I mentioned 5+5?
Next time we will show you five more amazing churches that you can find in other towns of our beautiful Salento!
In the meantime, we are at your disposal with our Venue Search Service to help you find your ideal church for your Catholic wedding in Apulia: contact us here!
And don’t forget to share this post and letting us know your comments below!
Lots of (Apulian) love!
♥♥♥ Claudia
[your friendly neighborhood wedding planner]
Cover photo: Nelsalento.com
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